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Bourne Arts & Community Trust (BACT)
Heritage Activities Consultant Brief
Celebrating 200 years of Worth
Bourne Arts and Community Trust is seeking an experienced Heritage Activities consultant to develop an activity plan and support a delivery stage application to The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
BACT is a registered charity which has managed Wake House since 1999. We have eight volunteer Trustees and four part time staff. Our mission, briefly stated, is to provide facilities for socially useful organisations and activities supporting the people of the area, and to preserve Wake House which is a Grade II listed building. Wake House is an essential community resource for organisations which support disadvantaged people; in particular, those at risk of social isolation or suffering from mental and physical heath challenges.
BACT, based in Wake House in the centre of Bourne, Lincolnshire has been awarded a development grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for our “Celebrating 200 years of Worth” project, which has a total project budget of £202,526. We are at the beginning of the development phase of the project, planned to last 12 to 15 months, thanks to National Lottery players.
The project covers capital works and activities:
A – Building improvements:
Building repairs (e.g. repair of render, damp, wood framed and Crittall windows) and improving access into / around the building while conserving heritage features.
B – Celebrating the heritage of Charles Worth (CFW) and his 200 Years anniversary with development of activities to engage audiences and development of interpretation.
Development of a comprehensive activity plan for the delivery stage. Underpinned during development by research in preparation for the October 2025 200-year anniversary of CFW’s birth. Including planning inclusive events, celebrating local, national and international connections to his birthplace, coordinated with other venues (local, national and international). Improved interpretation to explain CFW’s significance.
A full description of the Activities Brief can be found here.
For an informal discussion about our project and requirements, you are welcome to contact us initially via email to CFWorth200years@outlook.com.
More information about Wake House and BACT can be found at: https://www.wakehouse.org.uk/
Wake House, 41 North Street, BOURNE, Lincolnshire, PE10 9AE www.wakehouse.org.uk
Bourne Arts & Community Trust (BACT)
Lead Architect & Building Professional Team Brief
Celebrating 200 years of Worth
Bourne Arts and Community Trust is seeking an experienced Lead Architect to =lead and manage the building aspects of the development stage of our project and support a delivery stage application to The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
BACT is a registered charity which has managed Wake House since 1999. We have eight volunteer Trustees and four part time staff. Our mission, briefly stated, is to provide facilities for socially useful organisations and activities supporting the people of the area, and to preserve Wake House which is a Grade II listed building. Wake House is an essential community resource for organisations which support disadvantaged people; in particular, those at risk of social isolation or suffering from mental and physical heath challenges.
BACT, based in Wake House in the centre of Bourne, Lincolnshire has been awarded a development grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for our “Celebrating 200 years of Worth” project, which has a total project budget of £202,526. We are at the beginning of the development phase of the project, planned to last 12 to 15 months.
The project has two parts:
A – Building Improvements:
Building repairs are approaching urgent (e.g. repair of render, damp, wood framed and Crittall windows) and improving access into / around the building while conserving heritage features.
B – Celebrating the heritage of Charles Worth (CFW) and his 200 Years anniversary with development of activities to engage audiences and development of interpretation.
Development of a comprehensive activity plan for the delivery stage. Underpinned during development by research in preparation for the October 2025 200-year anniversary of CFW’s birth. Including planning inclusive events, celebrating local, national and international connections to his birthplace, coordinated with other venues (local, national and international). Improved interpretation to explain CFW’s significance.
A full description of the Lead Architect & Building Professional Team Brief can be found here.
For an informal discussion about our project and requirements, you are welcome to contact us initially via email to CFWorth200years@outlook.com.
More information about Wake House and BACT can be found at: https://www.wakehouse.org.uk/
Wake House, 41 North Street, BOURNE, Lincolnshire, PE10 9AE www.wakehouse.org.uk
How Can We Help You Today?
Wake House is a Community Centre housed in a Grade II Listed building offering a variety of rooms to hire for groups, events and meetings in the heart of Bourne, with disabled access to the building via Burghley Street.
The building is historically important as the birthplace of Charles Frederick Worth, son of a local solicitor, who founded the famous Paris fashion house ‘The House of Worth’ and is seen within the fashion industry as the
‘Father of Haute Couture’

Wake House
41 North St, Bourne
PE10 9AE
Mon - Fri
9.00 am - 9.30 pm
Usually Closed